Spring activities are in full swing!
While we would all like to think ourselves Olympic-grade athletes, in reality, many of us are weekend warriors enduring some aches and pains for the opportunity to grab a bit of mountain air. Everyone experiences pain sometimes. Whether you are sore from a long ride, or got distracted, hit a pothole and fell off your bike, we can help! The Acupuncture Clinic of Boulder, Inc. (ACOB) can help you in all stages of recovery. We treat your acute conditions, help you manage chronic pain, and assist you post-surgically to reduce pain and inflammation. Acupuncture has a profound effect on musculoskeletal conditions.
Many types of clients come to our office. The ACOB works to help athletes achieve and maintain peak performance and recover from injury.
We also work with those suffering from chronic pain. Typically, compensatory patterns develop (both internal and physical) in response to long term illness. We offer several ways for the patient to improve their health. An acupuncturist looks at underlying causes that affect your recovery and performance.
A licensed acupuncturist is qualified in many techniques, including trigger point acupuncture, referred to by physical therapists as Trigger Point Dry Needling. The best approach is adaptive; it is based on each patient’s individual needs. For most people, inserting a needle at the site or area of pain makes sense; however, the best results for reducing pain and changing dysfunctional patterns may require needles to be placed far away from the actual site of the pain. This technique is performed by a trained acupuncturist. The best results do not rely on trigger points alone and sometimes trigger points are not necessary at all.
Unknown to many, one of the best times to utilize acupuncture is while recovering from post-surgical pain and inflammation. The sooner you can come for a treatment, the better. Acupuncture needles can be placed far from the surgical area, removing any possibility of infection. Acupuncture improves circulation and blood flow and reduces inflammation. This can be done days or even hours after a procedure, when no other options are available (long before you might begin any type of formal rehabilitation). Acupuncture alleviates pain, reducing the amount of medication you may need; it also reduces post-surgical nausea and constipation.
Our Clinic utilizes both private rooms and a community style room with Lay-Z-Boy chairs to allow for the elevation of the injured area during your treatment.
Schedule an appointment today! We look forward to helping you reach your goals!
References and further reading: 1. Bensoussan A, Myers S. TCM Education in Australia. In: Towards a safer choice: the practice of traditional Chinese medicine in Australia. Campbelltown, NSW: Faculty of Health, University of Western Sydney Macarthur; 1996. 2. Janz S, Adams, J. Acupuncture by Another Name: Dry Needling in Australia. Australian Journal of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine 2011;6(2):3-11. 3. Morris W. Dry Needling is Acupuncture: But What of Education? What of Public Safety? Eastern Currents. In: Acupuncture Today. 2013. 4. Marchment R. Acupuncture, Dry Needling and Medical Acupuncture: What is the Difference? 2013.
5. Dry Needling