Throughout the Pandemic, the Acupuncture Clinic of Boulder (ACoB) has followed the protocols of Boulder Community Health (BCH). Starting March 28, 2023 the Universal Mask Mandate will be ending at BCH and therefore, at the ACoB. This means it will be each person’s choice to wear a mask, or not, including in areas of direct patient care.
The Pandemic Planning Committee will continue to monitor specific benchmarks to monitor this policy change, including the rate of infection and hospitalization due to COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses as well as employee illness rates.
As masks are a scientifically proven way of effectively limiting transmission and acquisition of respiratory viruses, some people will continue to wear a mask, and some patients may request that their care team wear masks during their direct care.
It is important to honor and respect the choices of those around you. For any client who would like our staff to wear a mask, please ask and we will be happy to put one on. All of our rooms have air filters, filtering out COVID sized particles. If requested, between patients, we are also happy to spray an EPA approved non-toxic aerosol.
For our community room, if more than one person is in the room and a patient request masking, we will ask all people in the room to wear their mask. Please respect this policy.
If you or someone in your household is sick, give us twenty-four hours notice (when possible) and reschedule. We would be happy to switch your appointment to Telehealth and make you a customized Chinese herbal formula to help you with your symptoms. This policy allows our staff to stay healthy and continue treating everyone.
We look forward to seeing your smiling faces!