If you’d like some help with Post Partum Depression, or know someone else who would benefit from this, please pass it along: Kate Kripke , a phenomenal counselor is holding a class Tuesday, February 5, 2013. She frequently holds these classes, so please go to her website for a date that will work for you.
Are you pregnant? Do you have a history of depression or anxiety or other mental illness? Are you vulnerable to hormone related challenges such as the birth control pill or PMS? Have you struggled with PPD before or has someone in your family struggled with PPD? Have you been depressed or anxious during your pregnancy? Do you know that you are at risk for Postpartum Depression or Anxiety or are you just hoping to plan ahead and do what you can now to decrease your chances of struggling postpartum?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, please come and join us for a monthly class on Strategies for Preventing PPD.
When: Tuesday, 2/5/13 from 5:30-7pm
Where: The Boulder Nurse Midwives’ Community Classroom: 4800 Riverbend Rd, Boulder
How Much: $5 donation to cover room cost suggested.
To register please email kate@katekripke.com or call Kate at 303-586-1564. You can view Kate’s website at http://katekripke.wordpress.com/