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You searched for "Insomnia"

How Acupuncture Can Optimize Sleep Patterns and Free You from Insomnia

Medically reviewed by Dominique Fontaine, BSN, RN, HNB-BC, HWNC-BC — Written by Colleen de Bellefonds on May 28, 2021 Acupuncture…

Acupressure for Insomnia: A Purrfect Night’s Sleep

These great graphic were created by Clara Cohen, founder of Acupro Academy.Acupressure is firm pressure applied to acupuncture points and…

From Discomfort to Balance: Managing Menstrual Disorders with Acupuncture and Complementary Therapies

Experience Relief: How Acupuncture Can Help with Menstrual Pain and Disorders Menstrual pain and disorders affect many women, often disrupting…

Nourishing the Heart – Supporting Your Cardiovascular Health

February is American Heart Month and is the perfect time to focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle for a strong…

The Role of Acupuncture in Men’s Health

Updated: March 4th, 2021 By S. Hunter Thompson, D.O.M. L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM), ADS, Adjunct Faculty and Lead Teaching Clinic Supervisor…


Acupuncture Acupuncture started in China over 3,000 years ago.  It is popular worldwide and is recognized as a primary healthcare…

Chinese Herbal Therapy

Our Services: Chinese Herbal Therapy Our practitioners have passed the NCCAOM exam giving them the credential, “Dipl. C.H.”, or “Diplomate…

Ion Treatment

Ion Treatment Eliminating toxins is the first step in giving the body a chance to heal itself. Detoxification is fundamental…

Understanding a Woman Through Five Element Theory

The Theory of Five Elements or Five Phases was introduced by Tsou Yen, thought to be the founder of Chinese…

Is Acupuncture Safe While Pregnant

By Ashley MarcinAt times, pregnancy can have you feeling like you’re all over the place. And is it any wonder?…

Beating Your Caffeine Addiction

Decrease The Bean Why do we all love coffee, tea, and other sources of caffeine? Is it the taste, the…

Father’s Day Steak

The Daddy of All Steaks!The Thrill of the Grill!Small portions of animal meat can be a nourishing part of any…

Is your gut health impacting your mental health?

By Cassandra Krug, L.Ac. Dipl. O.M. What does mental wellness mean to you? To me, mental wellness is feeling good…

Needles in my ear? Say “What”?????

Cassandra Krug, L.Ac. Dipl. O.M.Ear acupuncture, also called, “Auricular Therapy” is when acupuncture needles are place on your ear! Your…

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