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You searched for "Migraines"

Acupuncture for Migraines

If you suffer from migraines you know how debilitating they can be and how much they can affect your life.…

NIH Magnesium Fact Sheet

Introduction Magnesium, an abundant mineral in the body, is naturally present in many foods, added to other food products, available…

The Role of Acupuncture in Men’s Health

Updated: March 4th, 2021 By S. Hunter Thompson, D.O.M. L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM), ADS, Adjunct Faculty and Lead Teaching Clinic Supervisor…

Medical Referrals

Medical Referrals You can learn more about most of the below by clicking their name, most link directly to the…

Appointment Information

Appointment INformation If you have an acute condition such as an injury, or migraine, have immediate fertility needs such as…


Acupuncture Acupuncture started in China over 3,000 years ago.  It is popular worldwide and is recognized as a primary healthcare…

Ion Treatment

Ion Treatment Eliminating toxins is the first step in giving the body a chance to heal itself. Detoxification is fundamental…

Chicken with Honey, Figs and Herbs

12 pieces skinless bone-in chicken, white or dark meatKosher salt and freshly ground black pepper2 onions, peeled2 cloves garlic, peeledLeaves…

7 Reasons Why [You and] Your Teen Should Be Getting Acupuncture

Being a teenager can be a very tumultuous experience. Its a time of trying to figure out who you are…

Let’s Get It On!

You see him across the bar. He looks at you with desire and undresses you with his eyes. You coyly…

The Emotional Impact of the Pandemic

-Cassandra Krug, L.Ac . Dipl. O.M.The rise of COVID-19 has stirred the emotions in all of us. The increase in…

Acupuncture Can Lower High Blood Pressure

WebMD Health News Reviewed by Gary D. Vogin, MD June 11, 2001 -- Some people swear by acupuncture. They'll tell…

Allergy Elimination Diet

Purpose: To identify hidden food allergens that may be causing some or all of your symptoms. During the elimination period,…

Pain Relief Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

By Jamie Starkey, LAc, Lead Acupuncturist, Center for Integrative Medicine, Wellness Institute, Cleveland Clinic “So, can you help me with…