Bone Soup

  • Bones from one organic chicken or 2 pounds of organic beef bones from the market
  • 8 cups filtered water/ if the things you add are more than the water, add more water until you cover it by 3 inches.

The soup will not have much flavor unless you add some but not all of the following flavors. Add the ones you like the taste of the most.

  • 2-3 Tbsp. of “saltless” herb mix from Frontier Herb Company or other herbs
  • 1-3 Onions (skin included)
  • 3-10 garlic cloves
  • fresh garden herbs: basil, tarragon, thyme, rosemary, parsley, and others that you like.

Bring everything to a boil in a big soup pot, then turn down to low and simmer for 2 hours with the lid on. Strain off everything and toss. Skim off the fat that gels at the top after it has been refrigerated. This will keep good for 4 days. If you need to keep it longer, freeze in a glass container for no more than 2 weeks. Drink a cup or more a day, or add vegetables and make into a soup. This tastes best when served warm.

This recipe is different than the beef cubes that you get in the store which contain little or no nutritional value.

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