a·bun·dance/ noun: a very large quantity of something.
Many of us absorbed messages of our family or culture that there wasn’t enough for us: money, time, love and all the other things we might have wanted. Many of us internalized these messages to feel WE were not enough. I have great news for you—you have abundance. I know you have an abundance of heart at the very minimum. And for the first 29 days in June we will find out what else you have an abundance of…
The book “29 Gifts: How a month of giving can change your life” tells the story of Cami Walker, who at age thirty-five was burdened by an intensified struggle with multiple sclerosis, a chronic neurological disease that left her debilitated and depressed. Then she received an uncommon prescription: Give away 29 gifts in 29 days. This is the insightful story of the author’s life change as she embraces and reflects on the naturally reciprocal process of giving.
Please join the Acupuncture Clinic of Boulder and many other people across the US as we share our incredible abundance of body, mind and spirit with the world who needs it so very much. Whether you give a smile, a dollar, a ride, or hold a door, be ready to watch your life transform before your eyes! To join, simply follow this link:
For more information contact:
Taylor White Moffitt, LCSW
Psychotherapist, Yoga & Meditation Teacher