National Military Appreciation Month
NMAM started as a simple idea; to gather America around its military family to honor, remember, recognize and appreciate those who have served and those now serving and to know the history behind it all. May was chosen because it already has many individual days set aside to recognize the U.S. military’s achievements.
In 1999, the late Senator John McCain introduced formal legislation to designate the month of May as National Military Appreciation Month. This month is to remind Americans of the sacrifices and the history we have been privileged to participate in since the nation’s birth.
Date: Saturday, May 20th, 2023. Celebrated the third Saturday in May every year is Armed Forces Day:
A single holiday for citizens to come together and thank our military members for their patriotic service in support of our country. This day honors everyone serving in the U.S. Military branches; Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy, Space Force.
Memorial Day
Date: Monday, May 29th, 2023 A Federal holiday observed on the last Monday in May.
Is a remembrance of our veterans and commemorates the men and women who died while in military service. All Americans are encouraged to pause, wherever they are, at 3:00 pm local time for a minute of silence.
Click the link at the bottom for more days to celebrate this month.
Ways to Support our Military & Veterans
Display the American Flag at your home or business
Show your support on social media with #MilitaryAppreciationMonth
Share, like, comment, post and re-post on social media to put a spotlight on NMAM events and observances
Send a care package to a soldier
Encourage elected officials at all levels to recognize our military and veterans
See someone in uniform or know a veteran? Thank them for their service or surprise them with a coffee, dessert or drink if they are in line with you
Teachers and students can honor or recognize the designated days in their (online) classrooms
Businesses can honor and recognize the month through their websites, social media, and newsletters
Donate to a veteran or military charity
Reach out to a veteran or military family in need
Buy a soldier or veteran a gift certificate to acupuncture!
Hire a Veteran