The Year of the Wood Ram is a time to celebrate our interdependence, and the strength we achieve by working together. (In Chinese Astrology, the Ram, Sheep, and Goat are interchangeable). The Ram reflects our natural state of harmony and togetherness. The Ram is sympathetic, considerate, and caring. They are also creative and elegant. Because of their softer side, they are symbolic of peace and harmony. Embracing and respecting the needs and contributions of others perpetuates mutual respect. Our reputations are enhanced when others feel respected and appreciated. We are thereby empowered to persevere in the face of challenges and make a difference not only for our own happiness, but for the happiness of those around us.
This year will be the year for contemplating and appreciating what has already been accomplished, to think about bringing goodness to others, to take a deep breath and calmly look at what’s ahead.
A steady path, generosity, and keeping the peace are this year’s focus. While following your passion will lead you to great success, following your compassion will lead you to great joy. Reach out to others with kindness and sensitivity during this Year of the Ram, and you will gain the rewards of a truly rich life.
Enjoy this New Year!
Best in Health,
Acupuncture Clinic of Boulder, Inc.
Photos taken by Bill Masure, Photojournailst, CBS Channel 4 News, Artair Photography